[R-sig-Geo] tmap_dots issue

Raman Mishra r@m@n@m|@hr@10 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Sep 24 20:07:15 CEST 2022

Dear Members,
I am using tm_dots with a factor variable (to identify regions with
symbols), I need to identify only one category (regions with symbols) I do
not want to plot the second category. I tried a lot but couldn't find a
solution. Further, instead of the title, the variable name appears.
Please find the code below and provide a solution.

tm_shape(myshape1) +
  tm_polygons(col = "open4", palette="Oranges" , border.col = "red",
border.alpha = 0.5, legend.hist = FALSE, title="Prevalence open",
style="cont", colorNA="white")  +
  tm_legend(legend.outside = TRUE) + tm_scale_bar() +
  tm_layout( frame=F, legend.title.size = 1, legend.text.size = .65) +
  tm_dots("T_AD_707_1", size=0.06 ,col="black",  title = "Districts Type")

Thanks & regards,
Raman Mishra

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