[R-sig-Geo] Shapefile and Basemap
sownal chand
@own@|ch@nd|m@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri May 13 11:47:56 CEST 2022
Hello sir/madam,
I am working with shape file of my country and the issue I am facing is the
shapefile is scattered while plotting it using basemap. I am using my
sample point data which is attached to this email. I hope that some expert
in this area would help in correcting the codes below to show the shapefile
in one location ( its a pacific centered map)
read.csv ("C://Users/Documents/data.csv") -> data.df
hist(data.df$Year, breaks=20)
#remove NA valuues in the spatial Data Frame
data.df <- na.omit(data.df)
plot(data.df$long, data.df$lat,
ylab = "Latitude", xlab="Longitude") #boring!
# Use the cex function to plot circle size as a function of a variable
plot(data.df$long, data.df$lat,
cex = data.df$Year.7 * 0.045,
ylab = "Latitude", xlab="Longitude")
data.df_SPDF <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = data.df[,c("long", "lat")],
data = data.df[,c("Year",
"Year.1", "Year.2","Year.3","Year.4")],
proj4string =
CRS("+init=epsg:4326")) # sets the projection to WGS 1984 using lat/long.
Optional but good to specify
# Summary of object
# SPDFs partition data elements, e.g. the coordinates are stored separately
from the data
head(data.df_SPDF using coords)
head(data.df_SPDF using data)
# You can quickly access the data frame as per a standard data frame, e.g.
# You can use the plot or spplot function to get quick plots
spplot(data.df_SPDF, zcol = "Year")
FIJ_Adm_2 <- readOGR("FIJ_Adm_2_shapefile", "FIJ_Adm_2")
# You first need the ISO3 codes for the country of interest.
# The getData function then allows you to retrieve the relevant admin level
boundaries from GADM.
FJI_Adm_2 <- raster::getData("GADM", country="FJI", level=2)
# Plot both country and data points
points(data.df$long, data.df$lat,
cex = data.df$Year * 0.045,
ylab = "Latitude", xlab="Longitude",
basemap <- leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron")
basemap %>% addPolygons(data=FJI_Adm_2)
# to change the colors/line weight
basemap %>% addPolygons(data=FJI_Adm_2, color = "red",
weight = 1, fillOpacity = 0.2)
# If you want to add points as well
basemap %>% addPolygons(data=FJI_Adm_2, weight = 2,
popup = FJI_Adm_2$NAME_2) %>%
color="red", radius = 2)
library(wesanderson) # for a nice color palette
colorPal <- colorNumeric(wes_palette("Zissou1")[1:5], data.df_SPDF$Year, n
= 5)
# colorPal is now a function you can apply to get the corresponding
# color for a value
basemap %>% addPolygons(data=FJI_Adm_1, weight = 2, fillOpacity=0,
popup = FJI_Adm_1$NAME_1) %>%
color = colorPal(data.df$Year),
radius = 2,
popup = as.character(data.df$Year))%>%
addLegend(pal = colorPal,
title = "Average Temp for Year",
values = data.df_SPDF$Year)
Thanking you in advance
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