[R-sig-Geo] MOOD Summer School "Analytical epidemiology, machine learning and disease mapping" 20-22 June 2022, Montpellier, France

Tomislav Hengl tom@heng| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Apr 13 10:51:14 CEST 2022

MOOD Summer School 2022, a 3-day Summer School for PhD / post-doctoral 
researchers will take place at the Agropolis building, in Montpellier 
(France) on Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd June 2022.


Program & Topics:
The Summer School will host a series of international keynote speakers, 
including Dr Sangeeta Bhatia 
(https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/s.bhatia), the Imperial College 
London (UK), amongst others.
Day 3 will host a use-case hackathon dedicated to Antimicrobial 
resistance data in which summer school participants will be able to 
apply newly-acquired knowledge to solve real-world issues.

Please register via the link above by May 1st 2022.
Please note that this event is sponsored by the Horizon-2020 MOOD 
project hence **there will be no registration fees**.
Maximum 35 spots. Waiting list will be open after maximum capacity has 
been reached.

Target communities:
Young researchers (PhD, postdoctoral researchers) interested in 
analytical epidemiology, machine learning and disease mapping, disease 
modelling, disease ecology, spatial prediction, One health, R spatial 
epidemiology community.

Technology in use:
- Zoom breakout rooms with Q&A, polls and similar;
- Mattermost channels for internal questions, screen sharing and 
markdown/code snippets;
- Computational notebooks on github.com and gitlab.com;
- Lectures will be livestreamed on the Zoom platform and published on 
TIB.AV portal (https://av.tib.eu/series/1041/mood+science+webinars) and 
on the MOOD website.

Valentina Delconte
Communication and PR officer
OpenGeoHub foundation
Agro Business Park 10 (unit 1.05), 6708 PW Wageningen, NL
valentina.delconte using opengeohub.org

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