[R-sig-Geo] New sp and rgdal versions on CRAN

Roger Bivand Roger@B|v@nd @end|ng |rom nhh@no
Thu Oct 8 11:15:54 CEST 2020

The source packages sp 1.4-4 and rgdal 1.5-17 are now on CRAN (thanks to 
the CRAN team). They are probably the last releases prior to turning off 
by default intrusive warnings intended to alert users and package 
maintainers to the major changes that have occurred to switch CRS 
representation from Proj4 to WKT2 (2019) strings. If you notice unexpected 
behaviour, please respond here or by email or ping @rsbivand on github if 
your package uses it; twitter @RogerBivand is also possible, but not good 
for longer messages.

Enjoy ...


Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: Roger.Bivand using nhh.no

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