[R-sig-Geo] Liker brownian analysis - probleme to find a sig1 -
samuel pereira-dias
pere|r@d|@@@@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Nov 18 19:30:51 CET 2020
Hi everyone,
I would like to run a kernel brownian bridge analysis with kernelbb and
liker function on adehabitatHR.
I've some problems with the liker output with my ltrj object below:
My ltraj object:
> tr
*********** List of class ltraj ***********
Type of the traject: Type II (time recorded)
* Time zone unspecified: dates printed in user time zone *
Irregular traject. Variable time lag between two locs
Characteristics of the bursts:
id burst nb.reloc NAs date.begin date.end
1 5778 5778 116 0 2017-08-08 09:00:45 2018-05-16 12:00:01
2 5779 5779 94 0 2017-08-02 02:00:41 2018-07-17 16:00:01
3 5780 5780 43 0 2018-05-01 04:00:01 2018-05-29 16:00:01
4 5781 5781 83 0 2018-05-01 04:00:01 2018-06-17 04:00:01
5 6539 6539 194 0 2018-07-11 12:00:01 2018-08-31 16:00:01
6 6540 6540 572 0 2018-07-25 12:00:15 2019-08-21 08:00:01
> liker(tr, sig2 = 80, rangesig1 = c(1, 100))
Maximization of the log-likelihood for parameter
sig1 of brownian bridge
5778 : Sig1 = 1 Sig2 = 80
5779 : Sig1 = 1 Sig2 = 80
5780 : Sig1 = 1 Sig2 = 80
5781 : Sig1 = 1 Sig2 = 80
6539 : Sig1 = 1 Sig2 = 80
6540 : Sig1 = 1 Sig2 = 80
Why do I get a maximum of 1 for each of my individuals with the liker
function of adehabitatHR ?
Despite the huge documentation on internet, i am blocked.
Hope someone can help,
In advance thanks!
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