[R-sig-Geo] Modifications of the methods in resample() function using raster package
@|ex@ndre@@nto@br @end|ng |rom y@hoo@com@br
Mon Mar 23 14:40:46 CET 2020
Dear r-sig-geo members,
??? I?ve like to know the possibility of make some modifications in
resample() function in raster package. First, in "bilinear" method by
default is assigns a weighted average of the four nearest cells, and
I?ll like to change for five and six nearest cells, too, is possible?
Second, is it possible too to create the mean method to calculate the
arithmetic average of the four, five, and six nearest cells?
Thanks in advanced,
Alexandre dos Santos
Geotechnologies and Spatial Statistics applied to Forest Entomology
Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso (IFMT) - Campus Caceres
Caixa Postal 244 (PO Box)
Avenida dos Ramires, s/n - Vila Real
Caceres - MT - CEP 78201-380 (ZIP code)
Phone: (+55) 65 99686-6970 / (+55) 65 3221-2674
Lattes CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1360403201088680
OrcID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8232-6722
ResearchGate: www.researchgate.net/profile/Alexandre_Santos10
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/3085587/alexandre-dos-santos/
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