[R-sig-Geo] Accurate spatial database for country administrative boundaries

Manuel Spínola m@p|no|@10 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Dec 2 19:41:09 CET 2020

Thank you very much Salvador and Melanie.


El mié, 2 dic 2020 a las 12:08, Bacou, Melanie (<mel using mbacou.com>) escribió:

> See also FAO GAUL 2015 Edition (is the latest I blieve):
> https://geonode.wfp.org/layers/geonode%3Aadm1_gaul_2015
> And the UN Humanitarian Data Exchange for all latest official country
> boundaries:
> https://data.humdata.org/
> --Mel.
> On 12/1/20 5:34 PM, Manuel Spínola wrote:
> Thank you very much Diego.  Don´t worry.
> El mar, 1 dic 2020 a las 10:32, Diego Hernangómez Herrero (<diego.hernangomezherrero using gmail.com>) escribió:
> My mistake, if you look for country-level boundaries giscoR may be an
> option. For administrative boundaries inside a country  (provinces, states,
> regions) giscoR only has information for European Union countries and a
> NUTS level, that does not match completely with the administrative levels
> of the country, so if this is your case it may not fit your needs.
> Hope that helped
> El El mar, 1 dic 2020 a las 17:22, Diego Hernangómez Herrero <diego.hernangomezherrero using gmail.com> escribió:
> My two cent: 'giscoR’ package  can also be an option. The source of the
> file is Eurostat and you can get the data on 5 different resolution levels:
> https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/reference-data/administrative-units-statistical-units/countries
> El El mar, 1 dic 2020 a las 17:19, Manuel Spínola <mspinola10 using gmail.com> <mspinola10 using gmail.com>
> escribió:
> Thank you very much Edzer.
> I will take a look at it.
> Manuel
> El mar, 1 dic 2020 a las 10:16, Edzer Pebesma (<edzer.pebesma using uni-muenster.de>) escribió:
> Have you looked at package rnaturalearth? There's a web site for the
> dataset it interfaces: https://www.naturalearthdata.com/ - it looks
> like
> there's more information about its origins and processing that went on
> than behind GADM.
> On 12/1/20 4:26 PM, Manuel Spínola wrote:
> Dear list members,
> I am looking for a global accurate spatial database for countries'
> administrative boundaries.
> I tried the raster package, using the getData function and the GADM
> database and rgeoboundaries for the geoboundaries database, but I get
> differences between them.
> Is there any other spatial database for administrative boundaries
> accessible from R, so I can compare and decide which one is the most
> accurate of the open access spatial database for the countries I am
> interested?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Manuel
> --
> Edzer Pebesma
> Institute for Geoinformatics
> Heisenbergstrasse 2, 48149 Muenster, Germany
> Phone: +49 251 8333081
> --
> *Manuel Spínola, Ph.D.*
> Instituto Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre
> Universidad Nacional
> Apartado 1350-3000
> Heredia
> COSTA RICAmspinola using una.cr <mspinola using una.ac.cr> <mspinola using una.ac.cr>mspinola10 using gmail.com
> Teléfono: (506) 8706 - 4662
> Personal website: Lobito de río <
> https://sites.google.com/site/lobitoderio/> <https://sites.google.com/site/lobitoderio/>
> Institutional website: ICOMVIS <http://www.icomvis.una.ac.cr/> <http://www.icomvis.una.ac.cr/>
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> --
> Have a nice day!
> --
> Have a nice day!

*Manuel Spínola, Ph.D.*
Instituto Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre
Universidad Nacional
Apartado 1350-3000
mspinola using una.cr <mspinola using una.ac.cr>
mspinola10 using gmail.com
Teléfono: (506) 8706 - 4662
Personal website: Lobito de río <https://sites.google.com/site/lobitoderio/>
Institutional website: ICOMVIS <http://www.icomvis.una.ac.cr/>

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