[R-sig-Geo] Parcel scale or aggregation

Dexter Locke dexter@|ocke @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Apr 21 16:59:27 CEST 2020


This is more of a research design question than a spatial analysis question.

If you research question pertains to parcels and you have parcel data, then
why aggregate?

Neighborhood-level attributes can be important. They can be included by
attributing parcels with their neighborhood characteristics, with random
effects at the neighborhood scale, among other techniques.

The chosen method depends on the research questions.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 9:34 AM John Morgan <jmorgan3 using uwf.edu> wrote:

> Hello, I am working on preparing data for to run in a spatial
> autoregression model (probably SEM). You are one of the most well
> grounded people I am aware of in this type of methodology. I am hoping you
> can
> help me with a simple question.
> My question is this: we have the data at the scale of the parcel (or
> household) and there are a couple of hounded thousand records across the
> size of a large metropolitan area. When feeding the data into the
> model, is there
> a reason/requirement to aggregate our data variable to some boundary scale
> such as a city block? Or is it ok to keep it at the parcel scale? We are
> interested in analyzing characteristics at e.g. household level similar to
> a hedonic model.
> Thanks for any feedback.
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