[R-sig-Geo] Question about HSAR package

Justin Schon j@chon7 @ending from gm@il@com
Thu Sep 27 21:35:43 CEST 2018

Dear all,

I am receiving the error "not an S4 object" when I attempt to estimate the
hierarchal spatial auto-regressive model from the HSAR package. I have
attempted several ways of creating the lower level matrix and higher level
matrix. Rather than asking if members of this list can help with the code,
I am first wondering if anyone can explain why this error would appear.

I am including the code that estimates the model, as well as the error,

> HSAR.model1<- hsar(Count_ ~ ndc_pres_3
+                    + volatility + turnout_21
+                    + volatili_1 + X20160526_6
+                    + DENSITY_RD + Count_3
+                    + MEAN + pov_p_2008
+                    + gini_2008 + ferat_2008
+                    + Count_4 + literacy
+                    + grid_perCa, data=constit, W=W.constit,
+                    M=W.dist, Delta = Delta.mat,
+                    burnin = 5000, Nsim = 10000,
+                    thinning = 1, parameters.start = NULL)
Error in hsar(Count_ ~ ndc_pres_3 + volatility + turnout_21 + volatili_1 +
  not an S4 object

Again, I am not looking for advice with the code right now. I am wondering
what kinds of problems could cause this error message.

As a note, I receive the same error message when I try to estimate an sar
model and when I simplify the model down to one independent variable.

I greatly appreciate any ideas that members of this list might have.

Thank you,


Justin Schon
Post-Doctoral Researcher on Environmental Change and Migration
MURI Migration Research Team: http://murimigration.org/
University of Florida
Fellow, Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP)

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