[R-sig-Geo] Leaflet map nested in RShiny App - Improving speed & portability

dirty-h@rry-h@ m@ili@g off gmx@de dirty-h@rry-h@ m@ili@g off gmx@de
Wed Sep 12 20:26:56 CEST 2018

Hey Erin,

I agree with everybody who answered, but just for completeness and FYI:

Another approach for sharing a Shiny app offline as a (Windows) Desktop 
app might be using Shiny with "R portable".

For further details please check for example:



Ps. If anybody thinks this is a very bad idea, please let me know, 
because I'm planing to develop something like that ... Thanks!

Am 05.09.2018 um 01:56 schrieb Erin Stearns:
> Hello all!
> I hope this message finds you all well!
> I have 2 questions pertaining to the creation of interactive maps via
> Leaflet nested inside an RShiny app. One question has to do with
> computation while the other has to do with sharing/off-line interactivity.
> *Project description:*
> I am creating a global map depicting binary malaria risk (at risk, not at
> risk) at the Admin 2 level(current state only uses 5 countries and can be
> found here <https://erstearns.shinyapps.io/malariarisk5/>).  I am using an
> ESRI base map, then a polygons shapefile containing geometry and attributes
> (geographical hierarchy & risk).
> *Computation question*
> As you see, the RShiny app takes quite a bit of time to render. Does anyone
> have any suggestions for improving this? As previously said, this version
> only contains 5 countries, thus I cannot continue with my current method to
> reach a global map. I have considered finding centroids of all Admin 2
> polygons and retaining attribute information here, then rasterizing the
> malaria risk shapefile for visualization and using the 2 instead of a
> single shapefile with polygon boundaries and attributes.
> *Sharing the app/offline interactivity*
> I am planning to share this with people who likely do not have R installed
> on their laptops nor have they ever coded. Does anyone have any suggestions
> for the best way to do this while retaining interactivity?
> Thank you all, any insight is greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> Erin
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