[R-sig-Geo] reading Geoconcept files ?

Jean-Luc Dupouey jean-luc.dupouey at inra.fr
Wed Aug 30 22:05:41 CEST 2017

Dear all,

is it possible to read Geoconcept files (.gcm and .GCR) in R? 
ogrDrivers()$name indicates that a Geoconcept driver exists, but I was 
not able to read any data. I get a "Cannot open data source" error:

 > ogrDrivers()[ogrDrivers()$name=="Geoconcept",]
          name  long_name write  copy isVector
11 Geoconcept Geoconcept  TRUE FALSE     TRUE
 > list.files(path=".",pattern="nvcarte.*")
[1] "nvcarte.GCM" "nvcarte.GCR"
 > readOGR(dsn=".",layer="nvcarte")
Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, encoding = encoding, 
use_iconv = use_iconv,  :
   Cannot open data source

Did anyone successfully use this driver? What is the syntax?

Thank you for your help,

Jean-Luc Dupouey

Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology Unit
F-54280 Champenoux
mail : jean-luc.dupouey at inra.fr

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