[R-sig-Geo] Get importance variables in dismo package

Fabrice Vinatier fabrice.vinatier.pro at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 10:15:26 CEST 2016

Dear list members (and especially Robert J. Hijmans),

I am actually using the excellent "dismo" package for flora species 
distribution modelling, and I am wondering if there is a way to get 
importance of variables used in maxent, domain, mahal and bioclim 
functions, to handle these importances in a table.

I tested all possible models included in 
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dismo/vignettes/sdm.pdf and I 
get easily the importance of variables issued from Random Forest, GLM 
and RPART models using "$importance", "$coefficients[-1], and 
"$variable.importance", respectively, but it is more difficult to get 
the others, although there is a possible indirect access to the 
importance variable of Maxent model using plot(me) (if me is the fitted 

Best regards,

Fabrice Vinatier

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