[R-sig-Geo] mapping of administrative areas to postal codes

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue Jan 26 00:29:41 CET 2016

GADM isn't always as current as you might hope (something we're working
on with interns).

For Singapore we have an update but I don't think it's released yet.
The source however is
It's a little tricky to extract the data.

FYI, US Post Codes from the Census do not 100% match the Postal Service
which does not release their boundaries. Generally in most countries you
have buy access to postal code data.

I'll check up on what needs to be done to push the newer version of GADM
for Singapore to the public service.


On 01/25/2016 12:43 PM, Richa Agarwal wrote:
> Thanks very much Roger.
> Guys, Any insights on how can we map postal code in a country to the
> administrative areas (for which shape files are available at GADM).
> Example: For Singapore for level 1 areas GADM has 5 regions however when I
> plot them they don't necessarily match with 5 regions explained on say
> Wikipedia
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_divisions_of_Singapore
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Jan 2016, Richa Agarwal wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>>> Is there a mapping of administrative areas (as available in shape files at
>>> the GADM website) to postal codes by country? Also is there a source for
>>> more detailed shapefiles. Example for Singapore the detail available on
>>> GADM is just level 1.
>> In the US, five-digit zip codes are part of the US Census boundary system,
>> and - as public boundaries - are open for download.
>> In most other countries, the boundaries of postal code areas are not
>> public data, even where the postal service is public, and are usually only
>> available at substantial cost, and often without permission to publish maps
>> based on the boundaries.
>> In Norway, a Meteorological Office programmer crowd-sourced point
>> locations to provide a way of offering weather forecast look-up based on
>> postcode - but those are not boundaries, and indeed are just the GPS
>> readings of volunteered data.
>> Even using commercial APIs to give address points probably will not help.
>> Roger
>>> http://www.gadm.org/country
>>> Thanks
>>> Richa
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