[R-sig-Geo] importing raster with embedded colors

Pascal Title ptitle at umich.edu
Tue Aug 30 05:23:58 CEST 2016

Hi all,

I've downloaded a shaded relief map from www.naturalearthdata.com (link to
specific raster:
This website provides rasters with built-in color schemes that look really
good. But I don't see how to import these colors into R with the raster. If
I read in the raster and plot, I get the default terrain color scheme.
If I load this .tif in QGIS, the color scheme is automatically loaded along
with it.

Is it possible to use the color scheme in R?


Pascal Title
PhD candidate | Rabosky Lab <http://www.raboskylab.org/>
Dept of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Michigan
ptitle at umich.edu


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