[R-sig-Geo] Help on pointLabel() function for engineering drawings
Dhiraj Khanna
dhirajkhanna at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 14:46:22 CEST 2015
Oscar, I did as you suggested by putting “” for labels that I didn’t want.
However, the labels still overlap the drawing :( Here is my code:
library(dplyr)library(maptools)#Known Size of Sheet
xmin <- -357.7
xmax <- 19.3
ymin <- -90.2
ymax <- 159.7
#Read in the data
linescoords <- read.csv("Linecoords.csv")
#Coordinates translation
linescoords$X <- linescoords$X - xmin
linescoords$Y <- linescoords$Y - ymin
# Plot the figure
xlimit <- c(-10, abs(xmin-xmax)+10 )
ylimit <- c(-10, abs(ymin-ymax)+10 )
plot(linescoords$X, linescoords$Y, "p", xlim=xlimit, ylim = ylimit)
i <- seq(1, nrow(linescoords), 2)for(x in i){
segments(linescoords$X[x], linescoords$Y[x],
linescoords$X[x+1], linescoords$Y[x+1])
#Read in text labels data
labels <- read.csv("labels.csv")
#Text labels Coordinates translation
labels$x <- labels$x - xmin
labels$y <- labels$y - ymin
labels$xminl <- labels$xminl - xmin
labels$xmaxl <- labels$xmaxl - xmin
labels$yminl <- labels$yminl - ymin
labels$ymaxl <- labels$ymaxl - ymin
#Point of Origin for labels
points(labels$x, labels$y, pch=16, col="red")
#Width & Height of labels
labels <- labels %>% mutate(width=abs(xminl-xmaxl), height=abs(yminl-ymaxl))
oddseq <- seq(1, nrow(linescoords),2)
evenseq <- seq(2, nrow(linescoords),2)
x1 <- linescoords$X[oddseq]
y1 <- linescoords$Y[oddseq]
x2 <- linescoords$X[evenseq]
y2 <- linescoords$Y[evenseq]
lineseg <- seq(1,length(x1))
lineslope <- as.data.frame(cbind(lineseg, x1, y1, x2, y2))
lineslope <- mutate(lineslope, slope=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1))
pointsx <- vector("list")
pointsy <- vector("list")for (s in 1:nrow(lineslope)){
louty <- abs(lineslope[s,3]-lineslope[s,5])/3
yp <- seq(lineslope[s,3], lineslope[s,5], length.out=louty)
pointsy[[s]] <- yp
xp <- seq(lineslope[s,2], lineslope[s,4], length.out=louty)
pointsx[[s]] <- xp
loutx <- abs(lineslope[s,2]-lineslope[s,4])/3
xp <- seq(lineslope[s,2], lineslope[s,4], length.out=loutx)
pointsx[[s]] <- xp
yp <- seq(lineslope[s,3], lineslope[s,5], length.out=loutx)
pointsy[[s]] <- yp
finalx <- unlist(pointsx)
finaly <- unlist(pointsy)
extralabels <- vector("character", length=length(finalx))
labelsfinal <- append(as.character(labels$Point), extralabels)
X <- append(labels$x, finalx)
Y <- append(labels$y, finaly)
plot(finalx, finaly, "p")
pointLabel(X, Y, labelsfinal)
points(labels$x, labels$y, pch=16, col="red")
Dhiraj Khanna
On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 9:58 PM, Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro <
oscar.perpinan at upm.es> wrote:
> > Will using the lineLabel function align the labels as per the
> > orientation of the line?
> Yes, exactly.
> > Also, I changed the lines to points and then tried the pointLabel
> > function. However, it ignores all the points that are not mentioned
> > in the argument of the function and still plots over them. Any
> > workaround for this?
> You may include empty characters ("") as elements in the _labels_
> vector. For example:
> x <- 1:5
> y <- 1:5
> labels <- c('A', 'B', '', 'D', '')
> plot(x, y)
> pointLabel(x, y, labels)
> Best.
> Oscar.
> --
> Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro
> Dpto. Ing. Eléctrica, Electrónica, Automática y Física Aplicada
> Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial
> URL: http://oscarperpinan.github.io
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