[R-sig-Geo] problem with krigeST

shohre didari sh_didar62 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 13 11:26:02 CEST 2015

Dear all,I'm new in R and Spatiotemporalkriging. I am trying to estimate my data with krigeST. I fit sum metricvariogram model. Then I used fitted STvariogram for a new dataset in order topredict them with krigeST. But the prediction result is strange. After date 8the prediction is the same for each station through the rest of dates. I attach a reproducibleexample.  predicted.Residual <-krigeST(ResidualData~1, data, newdata, modelList= sum.metric, nmax = 5 ,computeVar = TRUE) I try to rescale the time tosecond as:vgmf.sum.metric$time$range <-vgmf.sum.metric$time$range*24*3600vgmf.sum.metric$stAni <-vgmf.sum.metric$stAni/(24*3600)and then use it as model list inkrigeST but the result did not change. I don’t know which part is wrong andwhat should I do to correct it. I get stuck in this part and could not solveit. I really need help and would appreciate for any help or suggestion. Thank  you in advance

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