[R-sig-Geo] Anova and confidence intervals for kppm models in spatstat

ASANTOS alexandresantosbr at yahoo.com.br
Mon Jan 12 20:41:52 CET 2015

Dear Members,

              I have two questions, first if there are approaches like 
anova.ppm for comparing a clustered point process models kppm in 
spatstat package (example above)? And second the same question for 
estimate the confidence intervals for kppm model parameters, like 
confint() function?

## Model with elevation
fit1 <- kppm(bei, ~elev, "Thomas", covariates = bei.extra)
##Null model
fit.null <- kppm(bei, ~1, "Thomas", covariates = bei.extra)
#Comparing with ANOVA
anova.ppm(fit1,fit.null, test="Chi")
#but don't have anova.kppm?
##Confidence intervals


Alexandre dos Santos
Proteção Florestal
IFMT - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso
Campus Cáceres
Caixa Postal 244
Avenida dos Ramires, s/n
Bairro: Distrito Industrial
Cáceres - MT                      CEP: 78.200-000
Fone: (+55) 65 8132-8112 (TIM)   (+55) 65 9686-6970 (VIVO)

         alexandre.santos at cas.ifmt.edu.br
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1360403201088680

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