[R-sig-Geo] stack many files without loading into memory

dschneiderch Dominik.Schneider at colorado.edu
Thu Feb 26 05:00:40 CET 2015

Just wanted to update this thread in case anyone else comes looking. Some
of these things were not immediately clear to me.
I ended up doing:
#instead of writeRaster, use ncdf4 directly to get around the issue in this
dim3=ncdim_def('time','yrdoy',unlim=T,vals=layerdates)#where layerdates is
a vector something like 20120101, 20120109,...etc since thats what my files
were called.
water equivalent',compression=9)
#important to note, dim1 is the x direction and should be ascending. dim2
is the y direction and should be descending. this is because the cell
numbers from a raster* object start top-left and count by row.
ncvar_put(newnc, var, vals=getValues(fnstack))
ncatt_put(ncnew,0,'proj4string','+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')#add a global
attribute defining the geographic information.

Then when I open the file:
ncnew$dim[[3]]$vals  #this will give the list of dates stored above in
dim3. you can get the spatial coordinates likewise in dim[[1]] and
dim[[2]]  (or ncnew$dim$Lat$vals etc.)
lyr=grep('20120109',ncnew$dim[[3]]$vals) #use grep to find the date again
ncvar_get(ncnew,start=c(1,1,lyr),count=c(-1,-1,1))#get the raster I stored
for that date.

Hope that helps someone!

Dominik Schneider
o 303.735.6296 | c 518.956.3978

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 1:30 PM, dschneiderch [via R-sig-geo] <
ml-node+s2731867n7587748h90 at n2.nabble.com> wrote:

> Ok -  Looks like it worked this time for 112 files from 2012. The netcdf
> is 2.25 GB while the compressed multiband geotiff is 510MB. Does the netcdf
> have so much overhead- the 112 file at 10MB each are only 1.12 GB
> individually?
> I like the tidiness of 1 file per year so I'll have to play with how
> easily these can be accessed and the best way of annotating the layers. I
> was just reading that netcdf4 is based on hdf5 with a subset of features so
> I might look to see if hdf5 can do what I want.
> Thanks
> ds
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