[R-sig-Geo] Summer School: Next Generation Data Management in Movement Ecology

Mathieu Basille basille.web at ase-research.org
Wed Apr 29 23:04:46 CEST 2015

[My apologies for cross-posting: sent to both 'eco' and 'Geo' lists]

*Next Generation Data Management in Movement Ecology*

When:  July 1–3 & 6–10 2015
Where: Fondazione Edmund Mach, Trento, Italy

An intense, two stages-course, with a mix of technical and theoretical 
lectures and hands-on exercises. The first module (three days) will provide 
an introduction to spatial databases and SQL (using PostgreSQL/PostGIS as 
reference database system). The second module (five days) will focus onto 
wildlife tracking data management, with ample reference to use and 
integration of remote sensing datasets, and statistical analysis through R. 
The two modules can be joined independently, or in combination. Basic 
knowledge of SQL and spatial databases are however essential to follow the 
second part.

*Detailed information*


There is little time left to apply for it (deadline is April 30), but there 
is still room for applicants! Late applications will be considered in the 
limit of available space.

Mathieu Basille.


~$ whoami
Mathieu Basille

~$ locate --details
University of Florida \\
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
(+1) 954-577-6314

~$ fortune
« Le tout est de tout dire, et je manque de mots
Et je manque de temps, et je manque d'audace. »
    -- Paul Éluard

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