[R-sig-Geo] Spatial overlay vs. extract and aggregation methods
Juta Kawalerowicz
juta.kawalerowicz at nuffield.ox.ac.uk
Thu Apr 23 19:04:57 CEST 2015
I have a spatial polygon data frame (spdf1) and try to aggregate
information from it over polygons in a larger spatial polygon data
frame(spdf2). I wanted to run some simple test to see that my code is sound
(on nc.sids from maptools), but run into a problem which I don't
understand. As far as I can see, there are 2 ways to do this:
1) rasterise the smaller spdf1, extract and calculate over larger spdf2
nc.sids <- readShapeSpatial(system.file("shapes/sids.shp",
IDvar="FIPSNO", proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat
r<-raster(ncol=180, nrow=180)
rp<-rasterize(nc.sids, r, 'BIR74')
plot(nc.sids, add=TRUE)
#this will take time on larger files...
v <- extract(rp, nc.sids, weights=TRUE)
res<-sapply(v, function(x) if (!is.null(x)) {sum(apply(x, 1, prod),
na.rm=TRUE) / sum(x[,2])} else NA )
cor(res, nc.sids$BIR74)
#seems to be working ok.
2) use over function from sp package
overlay<-over(nc.sids, nc.sids)
#this should return the same indices of nc.sids which fall inside nc.sids -
basically should be falling within itself for each polygon, right? But this
is not what I get.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
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