[R-sig-Geo] fitting variogram in regrssion kriging

Helen Chen hc10024 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 09:35:09 CEST 2014


Thanks for your response. I have used traceback() and found out that the
bug is in the mask_10m.asc.

The following is the message:

12: stop("missing values in object")
11: na.fail.default(list(annaul_2001 = c(945.134, 648.716, 559.562,
    655.574, 771.144, 805.434, 1276.604, 519.938, 1036.574, 763.016,
    757.428, 1062.482, 851.662, 720.852, 672.084, 855.218, 599.948,
    745.744, 685.292, 699.77, 775.97, 752.602, 573.786, 755.65, 628.904,
    849.63, 741.426, 676.402, 909.066, 695.452, 577.85, 707.644,
    762, 824.738, 919.48, 653.034, 781.304, 886.968, 828.802, 842.518,
    459.994, 624.84), mask_10m.asc = c(88.5786418914795, 45.8059759140015,
    15.0768859386444, 12.3127512931824, 71.3703689575195, 152.519027709961,
    1005.87916564941, 11.7274975776672, NA, 228.937419891357,
    318.3203125, 502.518295288086, NA, 42.9922714233398, NA, NA,
    104.217571258545, 177.359172821045, 232.616687774658, 457.08145904541,
    398.026458740234, NA, 232.151866912842, 64.8636112213135,
    154.726047515869, 240.452461242676, NA, 293.9072265625, NA,
    222.223022460938, 192.939517974854, 583.289840698242, 782.529495239258,
    497.32640838623, 1249.03039550781, 347.13688659668, NA, NA, NA

I have tried to use na.omit to remove the NAs from mask_10m.asc, but it
seems not work in this case.

Do you have any idea about how to get rid of NAs from ascii data? I have
attache the ascii file and precipitation file I used.

Many thanks in advance.



2014-09-25 2:04 GMT-07:00 Edzer Pebesma <edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de>:

> We can only speculate, but mask_10m.asc may contain missing values, and
> not refer to rainfall (directly).
> On 09/25/2014 09:57 AM, Tomislav Hengl wrote:
> >
> > Helen,
> >
> > Most likely you need to subset the missing values by using e.g.
> > "precip[!is.na(precip$annaul_2001),]", but it is difficult to see if you
> > maybe have a typo with variable names.
> >
> > Try using "traceback()" and check the amount of missing values by using
> > e.g. "summary(is.na(precip$annaul_2001))" and/or
> > "summary(complete.cases(precip))".
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > T. (Tom) Hengl
> > Researcher @ ISRIC - World Soil Information
> > Url: http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Persons/dr.-T-Tom-Hengl.htm
> > Network: http://profiles.google.com/tom.hengl
> > Publications: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2oYU7S8AAAAJ
> >
> >
> > On 25-9-2014 7:57, Helen Chen wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I am following the code provide from this link:
> >>
> http://spatial-analyst.net/wiki/index.php?title=Regression-kriging_guide)
> >> with my own data.
> >>
> >> but I got stuck in fitting variogram, the error message is as follow:
> >>
> >>> vgm_precip_r <- fit.variogram(variogram(annaul_2001~mask_10m.asc,
> >> precip), model=null.vgm)
> >> Error in na.fail.default(list(annaul_2001 = c(945.134, 648.716,
> >> 559.562,  :
> >>    missing values in object
> >>
> >> But I have checked that there is no missing value in my rainfall data.
> >> Any
> >> help would be very much appreciated.
> >>
> >> Helen
> >>
> >>     [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >>
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> --
> Edzer Pebesma
> Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster
> Heisenbergstraße 2, 48149 Münster, Germany. Phone: +49 251
> 83 33081 http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de GPG key ID 0xAC227795
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