[R-sig-Geo] FW: Re: Load a map png in ggplot2 (workaround for missing world map support in ggmap)

Bachiller Eneko eneko.bachiller at imr.no
Wed Oct 1 11:12:37 CEST 2014

Dear Markus,

I have found the same problem and I would like to know if you found out any solution...
I mean, I have some maps (from Surfer) that I would like to import to ggmap. The point would be to be able to import the basemap and georeference that (adjust x/y axes) in order to plot my spatial data there.
I guess this is the same question you made in this blog in Oct 2013 but I ignore if you solved that...

I would be very grateful if you could help me with some ideas and/or possible alternative options.
Thank you very much ended.
Kindest regards,

Dr. Eneko Bachiller
Institute of Marine Research
Bergen, Norway

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