[R-sig-Geo] RasterBrickTimeSeries in plotKML without starting GE

Tomislav Hengl hengl at spatial-analyst.net
Thu Nov 27 14:18:40 CET 2014

You should be able to make your own function that does that. See e.g.:


On the end of the function mask out "kml_View".

PS: I've just added to every plotKML method an argument "open.kml=TRUE", 
so that it can be controlled, but you need to install the version 0.4-7 
from R-forge (from source code).

thank you,

T. Hengl

On 27-11-2014 13:27, Ottow, Bouke Pieter wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the function of the package plotKML to plot a RasterBrickTimeSeries in GoogleEarth. I have it working with the plotKML() function which also immediately opens GE. I am using the function in a model I am writing and therefor I just want it to write the kml without opening it. Is there such a function as well? Like the kml_layer.xxx() or kml() functions? It seems that it is missing for RasterBrickTimeSeries?
> Kind regards,
> Bouke Pieter Ottow
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