[R-sig-Geo] Aggregate raster

Acacia dealbata noelia.gonzalezm at gmail.com
Wed Oct 30 18:03:30 CET 2013

Hi community!

I have a raster of Global Land Cover with a resolution of 1 km

I want to change its resolution to be similar to that of the rest of the
rasters I am using for my project (0.166667 degrees).

Besides, I want to recalculate the value for each new cell. In the original
raster, there are 12 categories of land use. In my new raster, I want the
new cells to have the value more often repeated among those of the original

I have tried with this:

rnew<-aggregate(rprevious, factor=(1/0.1666667), fun=modal)

But it is not working. Any help? Seems correct?

Thank you!

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