[R-sig-Geo] R2WinBugs - getting TRAP errors in Winbugs

James Rooney ROONEYJ4 at tcd.ie
Tue Jul 9 11:46:18 CEST 2013

Hi all,

I am trying to implement the WinBUGS spatial conditional autoregression model on page 11.11 of Applied Spatial Data Analysis in R. I have about 3300 polygons with about 17,000 adjacencies in the set.
I have changed the model only by removing the beta term as, for now, I don't have any variables to include - I want simply to do a spatially smoothed model with no covariates.

Anyhow the code runs fine under R - but I am constantly getting a Trap Error in Winbugs - Index out of range.
My BUGs code looks like this:

  for(i in 1:N)
    log(theta[i])<-alpha + u[i] + v[i]
    u[i] ~dnorm(0,precu)


  alpha ~dflat()
  precu ~dgamma (0.001, 0.001) 
  precv ~dgamma (0.001, 0.001)


and my R code like this - (I've deliberately kept the iterations low in trying to figure out the problem but I get the error even within 1000 iterations).


BugsDir<-"C:/Program Files/WinBUGS14/"
d<-list(N = N, observed =EDdata2$nm_tt_c, expected = EDdata2$tot_exp, adj=nbBugs$adj, weights=nbBugs$weights, num=nbBugs$num)

MCMCres<-bugs(data=d,inits=inits,bugs.directory=BugsDir,parameters.to.save=c("theta","alpha"),n.chains=1,n.iter=1000,n.burnin=500,n.thin=1, model.file="ALS_spatial_CAR.txt")

I don't know if WinBUGS falls under the remit here ?? But was hoping someone might have some idea whats causing my TRAP errors as I am at a loss.

Many thanks all,

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