[R-sig-Geo] make_EPSG chile
Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
mauricio.zambrano at jrc.ec.europa.eu
Mon Jan 28 11:29:58 CET 2013
On 27/01/13 22:09, Orietta Nicolis wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I'm trying to run the following example with data of Chile, but I didn't
> find a EPSG code for this country which could be used in R.
Hi Orietta,
AFAIK, in Chile there are two main local projections:
PSAD56 / UTM zone 18S, and
PSAD56 / UTM zone 19S
which are used depending on the latitude you are working on.
For PSAD56_Z19S, you may try:
psad56.p4s <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=19 +south +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs")
which is equivalent to use EPSG:24879
if you need higher precision, you may need to add the '+towgs84'
argument to 'psad56.p4s'
I'm happy to know there are people in Chile using R !
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> data<http://inside-r.org/r-doc/utils/data>(meuse)
> coordinates(meuse)<-~x+y proj4string(meuse)<- CRS('+init=epsg:28992')
> # Line data
> data<http://inside-r.org/r-doc/utils/data>(meuse.grid)
> coordinates(meuse.grid)<-c<http://inside-r.org/r-doc/base/c>('x','y')
> meuse.grid<-as<http://inside-r.org/r-doc/methods/as>(meuse.grid,
> 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame')
> im<-as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(meuse.grid['dist'])
> cl<-ContourLines2SLDF(contourLines<http://inside-r.org/r-doc/grDevices/contourLines>
> (im))
> proj4string(cl)<- CRS('+init=epsg:28992')
> I run the script:
> make_EPSG("Chile")
> but it gives the following error:
> In file(file, open = "r") :
> cannot open file 'Chile': No such file or directory
> Please, can anyone suggest me how to solve this problem?
> Thank you very much,
> Orietta
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