[R-sig-Geo] Maxent and Maxlike data.frame methods

Rafael Wüest rafael.wueest at wsl.ch
Mon Aug 12 11:40:15 CEST 2013

Hi Gerardo

I'm not sure I understand exactly what your question is about. Maybe some reproducible example code could help... Assuming you want to fit a maxent model using a dataframe and providing background presences, the help file in ?maxent should be helpful as it says:

maxent(x, p, ...)

p: [...] If x is a data.frame, p should be a vector with a length equal to nrow(x) and contain 0 (background) and 1 (presence) values, to indicate which records (rows) in data.frame x are presence records, and which are background records.

HTH, Rafael

On 12.08.2013, at 08:28, Gerardo Martin <gerardommc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I', trying to implement a series of species distribution models. I am working with seasonal data and as I want to project them to several different scenarios, i need to use strictly samples with data format. I have extracted the background and pseudoabsences points from their corresponding raster files, so nos i want to fit the maxlike and maxent models and then project them with different rasterStack objects. The problem is that i haven't found out if there's a data.frame method for maxlike, there's no reference to such a thing in the reference manual. Besides, for maxent, the sdm vignete only describes how to run maxent with a rasterStack. I have found out how to specify pseudoabsences for maxent providing a vector with 1's and 0's, but no method as to specify a data frame with the background data.
> Regards
> Gerardo
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Rafael Wüest
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf

+41 44 7392126
rafael.wueest at wsl.ch

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