[R-sig-Geo] rgdal package for mac

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Thu May 17 10:06:20 CEST 2012

On Thu, 17 May 2012, Gabriele Cozzi wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am having issues installing the package "rgdal" on a Mac OS X (Lion).
> # install.packages("rgdal")
> actually says that there is no available package for R 2.15.0 (the version I 
> am using at the moment). Yet I can successfully load the rgdal package on my 
> old PC (also running R 2.15.0). Does it means rgdal is not implemented for 
> mac? I find it hard to believe.

Did you read the CRAN package page for rgdal? If you did, did you do what 
it said:


to install from CRAN Extras?

Don't jump to conclusions, do try to use the resources available to reach 
well grounded solutions.

We still hope that rgdal and rgeos will be available as regular CRAN 
packages for OSX, but this seems to have stranded (again).


> Any help would be appreciated.
> Best,
> Gabriele
> ============================================================
> Gabriele Cozzi
> Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
> Zurich University
> Winterthurerstr. 190
> 8057 Zurich - Switzerland
> E-mail: gabriele.cozzi at uzh.ch
> Phone: ++41(0)44 6356116
> Fax: ++41(0)44 6355711
> http://www.ieu.uzh.ch
> http://african-carnivores.com
> Botswana Predator Conservation Trust
> Private Bag 13
> Maun - Botswana
> E-mail: gab.cozzi at gmail.com
> Mobile: +26774259312
> http://www.bpctrust.org
> On 17.05.2012 09:15, Roger Bivand wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 May 2012, Hodgess, Erin wrote:
>>> Hello again.
>>> I'm having a little bit of trouble with spTransform (probably I'm doing it 
>>> wrong), but here is what I'm doing:
>>> Original data frame with UTM locations near Phuket, Thailand:
>>>> test1.df
>>>  Loc    east   north
>>> 1   a 748.168 602.861
>>> 2   b 754.302 615.609
>>>> proj1 <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=47N")
>> Your points are 750m east and 600m north of the given projection origin. If 
>> you meant km, set the units by adding +units=km to the proj4string. 
>> However, this gives me:
>>          coordinates Loc
>> 1  (101.24, 5.44994)   a
>> 2 (101.295, 5.56496)   b
>> which is not on Phuket, so something else is wrong here. Do you know 
>> definitely that the input coordinates are UTM zone 47? Reversing the 
>> eastings and northings gets a bit closer:
>>> proj1 <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=47N +units=km")
>>> coordinates(test1.df) <- c("north", "east")
>>> proj4string(test1.df) <- proj1
>>> spTransform(test1.df, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
>>          coordinates Loc
>> 1  (99.9308, 6.7677)   a
>> 2 (100.046, 6.82295)   b
>> but isn't there yet (reversed coordinate order does happen). What was the 
>> source of the coordinates?
>> Roger
>>>> coordinates(test1.df) <- c("east","north")
>>>> proj4string(test1.df) <- proj1
>>> Set up a spatial data frame
>>>> test1.df
>>>         coordinates Loc
>>> 1 (748.168, 602.861)   a
>>> 2 (754.302, 615.609)   b
>>>> spTransform(test1.df, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
>>>           coordinates Loc
>>> 1 (94.518, 0.00543748)   a
>>> 2 (94.518, 0.00555246)   b
>>> Now the answers should be about 8 degrees north and 98 degrees East.
>>> Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Erin
>>> Erin M. Hodgess, PhD
>>> Associate Professor
>>> Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
>>> University of Houston - Downtown
>>> mailto: hodgesse at uhd.edu
>>>     [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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