[R-sig-Geo] cumulative distribution function of spgrass6-raster with NA's

Johannes Radinger JRadinger at gmx.at
Wed May 2 10:19:41 CEST 2012


I just came across following paper Bivand, R. 2007. Using the R-GRASS interface. OSGeo Journal 1, 36-38. (http://www.osgeo.org/files/journal/final_pdfs/OSGeo_vol1_GRASS-R.pdf)
I'd like to do a similar kind of analysis of a GRASS GIS raster (histograms, cumulative distribution function with  partly log-transformed axis etc.). In my case the rasters I have sucessfully imported using spgrass6 contain lots of NA's and its max is 0.7 (median ~0.003).
I just tried a quick shot by calling hist(raster) but here I get: Error in hist.default(raster) : 'x' must be numeric

I was wondering:
1) What function is used for the cumulative distribution function in the mentioned paper?
2) How do I have to handle NAs in my imported rasters to do statistics on them?


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