[R-sig-Geo] layering data with different projection (or no prj)

Tom Gottfried tom.gottfried at o2mail.de
Fri Aug 31 18:25:23 CEST 2012

Am 31.08.2012 17:52, schrieb Alok K Bohara, PhD:
> I am learning to layer different shape files. In particular one
> shapefile --with point patterns-- does not have any projection info (it
> says NULL). The other State county file has projection info. Both data
> come from the same state (New Mexico). I can plot both separately.
> !. "County"
> Prj: +proj=utm +zone=13 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80
> +towgs84=0,0,0
> 2. "Disease" (for example --it does not fahe .prj file)
> Prj: NULL
> Is there anyway I could layer 2 onto 1? Thanks.

That depends on what you actually mean with layering. Provide some code 
examples to show what you want to do and it will be possible to answer 
your question (for details see


> Alok Bohara
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