[R-sig-Geo] spatio-temporal

Tom Gottfried tom.gottfried at tum.de
Tue Apr 24 08:45:31 CEST 2012

Am 24.04.2012 08:00, schrieb Saman Monfared:
> Dear all.
> I am trying to calculate and 3d plot of empirical spatio-temporal
> variogram using RandomFields
> and CompRandFld packages. The below program is an example in
> CompRandFld package:
> library(CompRandFld)
> library(RandomFields)
> library(scatterplot3d)
> set.seed(31231)
> # Define the spatial-coordinates of the points:
> x<- runif(20, 0, 1)
> y<- runif(20, 0, 1)
> # Define the temporal sequence:
> time<- seq(0, 50, 1)
> # Simulation of the spatio-temporal Gaussian random field:
> data<- RFsim(x, y, time, corrmodel="exp_exp",param=list(mean=mean,
> nugget=nugget,scale_s=0.5,scale_t=1,sill=sill))$data
> the error is :
> Error: could not find function "RFsim"

The function either does not exist (e.g. because "RFsim" is a misspelled 
name of an existing function. Beware that R is case sensitive) or exists 
in a package that you did not (successfully) load.


> please guide me about this.
> Thanks.

Technische Universität München
Department für Pflanzenwissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Grünlandlehre
Alte Akademie 12
85350 Freising / Germany
Phone: ++49 (0)8161 715324
Fax:   ++49 (0)8161 713243
email: tom.gottfried at wzw.tum.de

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