[R-sig-Geo] geoR: krigeing, predict on other coordinates with a parametric trend

Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr paulojus at c3sl.ufpr.br
Wed Sep 14 15:24:13 CEST 2011

Dear Sara

1. I guess you mean krige.conv() and not kriging.conv()
2. you should be able to simplify the following call if $covariate is an 
element of the geodata (geo) 
> trend1<-trend.spatial("1st", geo,

3. The problem you are encotering is in the use of trend.d and trend.l
In the former you provido covariate values measured **at data locations**
and for the later **at prediction** locations 
When you define a trend you are including covariates in the model.
In order to run predictions from the firtted model you need to have the 
covariate values at the coorinates of the prediction locations.

In other words, trend.l is the same trend you used in likfit() and have 
dimesion of the data
trend.l is another obhect with the variables as trend.l wowever with 
dimension of the prediction locations (argument locations)

On Wed, 14 Sep 2011, Sara Kleyer wrote:

> Dear list,
> there are two datasets: the data "geo" is a geodata-set including, "data", 
> covariates and coordinates. The second dataset "fehlcord" is a dataset 
> including 2 columns for the coordinates and additional columns for 
> covariates.
> I want to use kriging.conv to estimate on the "geo"-dataset and predict on 
> the locations of the "fehlcord" dataset. Additionally, I want to use the 
> covariates for a parametric trend.
> This is the syntax I use:
> #definition of the trend, I am interested in:
> trend1<-trend.spatial("1st", geo, 
> add=~covariate$bauland+covariate$baulandsq+covariate$ostw+covariate$tour+covariate$alq)
> #estimate the model
> neu<-likfit(geo, coords=geo$coords, data=geo$data, 
> ini.cov.pars=c(50,9),trend=trend )
> kri.set<-krige.control(type.krige="ok", trend.d=~trend1, trend.l=~trend1, 
> obj.model=neu)
> #predict on the other dataset
> schatz<-krige.conv(geo, locations=fehlcord, krige=kri.set)
> R returns, that there is a mistake because:
> "in krige.conv(geo, locations = fehlcord, krige = kri.set) :
>  locations and trend.l have incompatible sizes"
> and in addition:
> "In .check.locations(locations) :
>  locations provided with a matrix or data-frame with more than 2 columns. 
> Only the first two columns used as coordinates"
> I also tried to define "trend.l" by the dataset "fehlcord" but it did not 
> work, too.
> How can I predict on new coordinates and use a parametric trend on the 
> covariates?
> Thanks a lot for your help!
> Sara
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