[R-sig-Geo] rgdal installation problem

Robin W Hunnewell rhunne at mac.com
Tue May 3 19:06:51 CEST 2011


Could you - or any other mac users who've been successful installing rgdal - elaborate how you did it? 

I'm trying to install rgdal in my iMac (os X 10.6.7). I have latest Mac R app. version 2.13.0 
I downloaded the GDAL framework 1.8 and its dependencies from the kyngchaos site -- under the GDAL section of the page: 


But not sure the that the installation has put it in the right configuration, path for loading into R.

In R, I installed and loaded library 'sp'  which rgdal needs..

Then tried to install the GDAL package - I go to the R Package Installer, select 'Local Binary Package' from the popup, then click 'Install...'. 
I was able to locate and select the rgdal tarball to install and load it for use in R, but get error message:
1: 'tar' returned non-zero exit code 1 
2: In file.rename(file.path(tmpDir, pkgname), instPath) :
  cannot rename file '/Users/robinhunnewell/Library/R/2.13/library/file3af03e3f/GDAL' to '/Users/robinhunnewell/Library/R/2.13/library/GDAL', reason 'No such file or directory'
3: unable to move temporary installation '/Users/robinhunnewell/Library/R/2.13/library/file3af03e3f/GDAL' to '/Users/robinhunnewell/Library/R/2.13/library/GDAL' 

Is it because GDAL is not in the right place? Thanks v much if anyone can anyone help!

On 02 May, 2011,at 11:23 AM, Christopher Fusting <cfusting at gmail.com> wrote:

I had a similar problem. The port under the GDAL section of this page
worked for me:



2011/5/2 Ant�nio M. Rodrigues <amcrgrodrigues at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I'm trying to instal library rgdal in my macbook (os X 10.6.7).
> I have installed the latest R package (R-2.13.0.pkg).
> I have gdal 1.8 install. Also, I have loaded library sp which rgdal needs.
> I downloaded rdgal_06-33.tgz and using R Package installer, I located and
> installed the Local Binary Package.
> When trying to load rgdal ( >library(rgdal)in the R prompt) I get the
> error:
> -----
> Error : onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rgdal', details:
> call: fun(..)
> error:
> GDAL Error 1: dlopen(/Library/Application
> Support/GDAL/1.8/PlugIns/gdal_GRASS.dylib, 1): Library not loaded:
> /Applications/GRASS-6.4.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/libgrass_gis.dylib
> Referenced from: /Library/Application
> Support/GDAL/1.8/PlugIns/gdal_GRASSdylib
> Reason: image not found
> Error: package/namespace load failed for 'rgdal'
> -----
> Any help will be much appreciated.
> thanks,
> Ant�nio
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Christopher W. Fusting

GIS Consulting
Predictive Modeling
Remote Sensing


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