[R-sig-Geo] Habitat on a given location (spatial join with R)

Breitbach, Nils breitbach at uni-mainz.de
Fri Jan 7 11:37:32 CET 2011

Derar community,

this time I need to find habitat type on given location for a huge number of points. I have two layers: the first (upper) one is a point shape with approx. 100,000 point locations; the second one is a polygon shape with many features containing habitat types (on a very fine scale). Now, I need the habitat type "under" every point or better said for every point location.

The "Spatial Join" Tool in ESRI's ArcGIS  would do exactly what I need but since I did all my analyses with R so far I really would like to avoid the permanent jumping between R and ArcGIS. Is there a function in R that solves my problem?              



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