[R-sig-Geo] estUDm not accepted by kerneloverlaphr

Clément Calenge clement.calenge at oncfs.gouv.fr
Sat Feb 26 17:55:36 CET 2011

On 02/26/2011 04:56 PM, Tom_R wrote:
> Hi List!
> I converting my script from the old adehabitat to adehabitatHR and
> adehabitatTR, in order to take advantage of the Biased Random Bridge
> utilisation distribution estimation techniques.
> However, the BRB (in adehabitatHR) outputs an "estUDm" object, which
> kerneloverlaphr doesn't accept; it only accepts khrud or kbbrud objects
> (from the original adehabitat).
> It seems that adehabitatHR provides the facility to  converting khrud to
> estudm, using "khr2estUDm" but not the reverse. Also, adehabitatHR doesn't
> seem to include a newer version of kerneloverlaphr...
> So my question is simple; how do I persuade adehabitat's kerneloveraphr to
> accept adehabitatHR's estUDm objects?

You're right, I forgot to program kerneloverlaphr in the new version.
It will be in the next version of HR.
Here is the code, where x is an object of class "estUDm":

kerneloverlaphr <- function (x, method = c("HR", "PHR", "VI", "BA", 
"UDOI", "HD"),
                            percent = 95, conditional = FALSE, ...)
     method <- match.arg(method)
     if (!inherits(x, "estUDm"))
         stop("x should be of class estUDm")
     if (length(x)==1)
         stop("several animals are needed for this function")
     if (slot(x[[1]],"vol"))
         stop("x should not be a volume under UD")
     vol <- getvolumeUD(x)
     gp <- gridparameters(vol[[1]])
     res <- matrix(0, ncol = length(x), nrow = length(x))
     for (i in 1:length(x)) {
         for (j in 1:i) {
             if (method == "HR") {
                 vi <- as.data.frame(vol[[i]])[, 1]
                 vj <- as.data.frame(vol[[j]])[, 1]
                 vi[vi <= percent] <- 1
                 vi[vi > percent] <- 0
                 vj[vj <= percent] <- 1
                 vj[vj > percent] <- 0
                 vk <- vi * vj
                 res[i, j] <- sum(vk)/sum(vi)
                 res[j, i] <- sum(vk)/sum(vj)
             if (method == "PHR") {
                 vi <- as.data.frame(x[[i]])[, 1]
                 vj <- as.data.frame(x[[j]])[, 1]
                 ai <- as.data.frame(vol[[i]])[, 1]
                 aj <- as.data.frame(vol[[j]])[, 1]
                 ai[ai <= percent] <- 1
                 ai[ai > percent] <- 0
                 aj[aj <= percent] <- 1
                 aj[aj > percent] <- 0
                 if (conditional) {
                   vi <- vi * ai
                   vj <- vj * aj
                   res[j, i] <- sum(vi * aj) * (gp[1, 2]^2)
                   res[i, j] <- sum(vj * ai) * (gp[1, 2]^2)
                 else {
                   res[j, i] <- sum(vi * aj) * (gp[1, 2]^2)
                   res[i, j] <- sum(vj * ai) * (gp[1, 2]^2)
             if (method == "VI") {
                 vi <- c(as.data.frame(x[[i]])[, 1])
                 vj <- c(as.data.frame(x[[j]])[, 1])
                 ai <- as.data.frame(vol[[i]])[, 1]
                 aj <- as.data.frame(vol[[j]])[, 1]
                 ai[ai <= percent] <- 1
                 ai[ai > percent] <- 0
                 aj[aj <= percent] <- 1
                 aj[aj > percent] <- 0
                 if (conditional) {
                   vi <- vi * ai
                   vj <- vj * aj
                   res[i, j] <- res[j, i] <- sum(pmin(vi, vj)) *
                     (gp[1, 2]^2)
                 else {
                   res[i, j] <- res[j, i] <- sum(pmin(vi, vj)) *
                     (gp[1, 2]^2)
             if (method == "BA") {
                 vi <- c(as.data.frame(x[[i]])[, 1])
                 vj <- c(as.data.frame(x[[j]])[, 1])
                 ai <- as.data.frame(vol[[i]])[, 1]
                 aj <- as.data.frame(vol[[j]])[, 1]
                 ai[ai <= percent] <- 1
                 ai[ai > percent] <- 0
                 aj[aj <= percent] <- 1
                 aj[aj > percent] <- 0
                 if (conditional) {
                   vi <- vi * ai
                   vj <- vj * aj
                   res[j, i] <- res[i, j] <- sum(sqrt(vi) * sqrt(vj)) *
                     (gp[1, 2]^2)
                 else {
                   res[j, i] <- res[i, j] <- sum(sqrt(vi) * sqrt(vj)) *
                     (gp[1, 2]^2)
             if (method == "UDOI") {
                 vi <- c(as.data.frame(x[[i]])[, 1])
                 vj <- c(as.data.frame(x[[j]])[, 1])
                 ai <- as.data.frame(vol[[i]])[, 1]
                 aj <- as.data.frame(vol[[j]])[, 1]
                 ai[ai <= percent] <- 1
                 ai[ai > percent] <- 0
                 aj[aj <= percent] <- 1
                 aj[aj > percent] <- 0
                 if (conditional) {
                   vi <- vi * ai
                   vj <- vj * aj
                   ak <- sum(ai * aj) * (gp[1, 2]^2)
                   res[j, i] <- res[i, j] <- ak * sum(vi * vj) *
                     (gp[1, 2]^2)
                 else {
                   ak <- sum(ai * aj) * (gp[1, 2]^2)
                   res[j, i] <- res[i, j] <- ak * sum(vi * vj) *
                     (gp[1, 2]^2)
             if (method == "HD") {
                 vi <- c(as.data.frame(x[[i]])[, 1])
                 vj <- c(as.data.frame(x[[j]])[, 1])
                 ai <- as.data.frame(vol[[i]])[, 1]
                 aj <- as.data.frame(vol[[j]])[, 1]
                 ai[ai <= percent] <- 1
                 ai[ai > percent] <- 0
                 aj[aj <= percent] <- 1
                 aj[aj > percent] <- 0
                 if (conditional) {
                   vi <- vi * ai
                   vj <- vj * aj
                   res[j, i] <- res[i, j] <- sqrt(sum((sqrt(vi) -
                     sqrt(vj))^2 * (gp[1, 2]^2)))
                 else {
                   res[j, i] <- res[i, j] <- sqrt(sum((sqrt(vi) -
                     sqrt(vj))^2 * (gp[1, 2]^2)))
     rownames(res) <- names(x)
     colnames(res) <- names(x)

> Many thanks !
> Reproducible code :
> library(adehabitat)
> library(adehabitatHR)
> x<- runif(100)
> y<-runif(100)
> z<- seq(1:100)
> xy<- as.matrix(data.frame(cbind(x,y)))
> id<- as.factor(c(rep(1,50),rep(2,50)))
> class(z)<- "POSIXct"	
> traject<- as.ltraj( xy, z, id, typeII=TRUE )
> traject<- rec(traject)
> D<- BRB.D(traject, Tmax=100, Lmin=0.05)
> UD<- BRB(traject, D, tau=1, Tmax=100, Lmin=0.05, hmin=0.2) ## Biased random
> bridge
> contr1<- getverticeshr(UD[[1]], lev =50)
> contr2<- getverticeshr(UD[[2]], lev =50)
> plot(contr1, add=TRUE, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2))  ## plot
> plot(contr2, add=TRUE, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2))
> overlap<- kerneloverlaphr(UD, method = "UDOI")   ## ERROR: need to convert
> estUDm to khrud or kbbrud

Cellule d'appui à l'analyse de données
Direction des Etudes et de la Recherche
Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage
Saint Benoist - 78610 Auffargis
tel. (33)

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