[R-sig-Geo] test for CSR in three dimensions

tobias.verbeke at openanalytics.eu tobias.verbeke at openanalytics.eu
Mon Mar 15 13:29:33 CET 2010

Dear list, 

Is there any functionality available to test 
CSR for a three-dimensional point pattern ?
I am aware there is basic infrastructure for 3D
point patterns in spatstat

> methods(class = "pp3")
[1] crossdist.pp3  nnclean.pp3    nndist.pp3     nnwhich.pp3   
[6] plot.pp3       print.pp3      summary.pp3    unitname<-.pp3

(as well as through rpoispp3, K3est, F3est, G3est), but would appreciate
any hints on possibilities to combine these building blocks
into a test for CSR. 

Pointers to asymptotic results will be appreciated by my computer, 
pointers to simple Monte Carlo procedures will be appreciated by 

Many thanks in advance, 

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