[R-sig-Geo] rgdal

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Fri Jun 18 10:04:22 CEST 2010

On Thu, 17 Jun 2010, tom sgouros wrote:

Your syntax for the configure.args= argument was wrong, and most likely it 
would fail on GDAL next. If you want to install from source, install 
PROJ.4 first, test it (you need the headers and the *shared* library), 
then install and test GDAL. When they are in place, determine the correct 
locations and use configure.args= without any PROJ=.

If this sounds hard, use the Kyngchaos route, which is well tried, both 
for getting the external dependencies and installing rgdal from source, or 
indeed for installing binary rgdal (William Kyngesburye is kind enough to 
keep things pretty updated).

The easiest route is to do:


which looking at the list archives would have shown, for example google 

R-sig-geo rgdal MAC

or similar. The second repository in the list is in this case on OSX at 
Oxford on CRAN extras, and the rgdal binary with bundled PROJ.4 and GDAL 
dependencies is built by Brian Ripley:


or similar for the R 2.10 and development 2.12 releases.

Unless you need extra drivers, installing from CRAN extras version is 
probably the easiest.


> Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com> wrote:
>> On 06/17/2010 05:40 PM, tom sgouros wrote:
>>> Hello all:
>>> I read this in the rgdal documentation:
>>>> The GDAL and PROJ.4 libraries are external to the package, and, when
>>>> installing the package from source, must be correctly installed first.
>>> Does "correctly" mean something different from the default?  I installed
>>> PROJ.4 on my Mac OS X (10.6) machine, using 'make all' and 'make
>>> install'.  I saw no errors, and I see libproj.a sitting happily in
>>> /usr/local/lib which seems pretty standard to me, but when I try to
>>> install rgdal, I get this:
>>>   ...
>>>   checking proj_api.h usability... yes
>>>   checking proj_api.h presence... yes
>>>   checking for proj_api.h... yes
>>>   checking for pj_init_plus in -lproj... no
>>>   Error: libproj.a not found.
>>>   If the PROJ.4 library is installed in a non-standard location,
>>>   use --configure-args='--with-proj-lib=/opt/local/lib' for example,
>>>   replacing /opt/local/* with appropriate values for your installation.
>>>   If PROJ.4 is not installed, install it.
>>> Before it was installed, the configure choked on the line about
>>> proj_api.h.
>>> It was already installed, but per those directions, I tried this:
>>>> install.packages(c("rgdal"),lib="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library",contriburl=contrib.url(getOption("repos"),'source'),type='source',dependencies=TRUE,configure.args=c(PROJ='--with-proj-lib=/usr/local/lib'))
>> Those instructions seem to indicate that it should be:
>> configure.args='--with-proj-lib=/usr/local/lib'
>> while the R code you put in may seem similar and theoretically provide
>> the same, try doing it exactly like the example.
> The example is from a command line invocation of ./configure.  How that
> relates to an install.packages() option wasn't obvious to me.  I was
> just copying the example in the install.packages() documentation.  But I
> tried it your way just now and it still doesn't work.  Same error.
> Besides, what's so non-standard about /usr/local/lib?
>> The other option to consider is install Proj and GDAL from the Frameworks:
>> http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/frameworks
>> I know people have gotten the frameworks to work.
> I'll try that, but I'm still mystified.
> Thank you,
> -tom
>> Enjoy,
>> Alex
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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