[R-sig-Geo] Cell declustering examples in Gstat

Carlos Alberto Gutierrez Carvajal carlosalberto.gutierrezcarvajal at ugent.be
Mon Feb 22 10:49:52 CET 2010

Hello everybody in the list.

My question have been treated previously by Edzer Pebesma in his  
communications with Stefano Pegoretti in july 2007, however I would  
find very useful some examples.

Basically, Edzer Pebesma pointed to two methods to perform cell declustering.

One of these methods is voronoi diagrams (avaliable in package deldir).

The other method is, in words of Edzer Pebesma, by  'using the number  
of nearest cells based on a regular discretization of the study area;  
for the latter you could misuse package gstat, interpolate record  
number with nmax=1 and compute a table of the resulting "prediction"  

Could you provide me some examples for each one of this methods for an  
  R user,please?.


Carlos Gutierrez Carvajal.

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