[R-sig-Geo] European Union NUTS2, NUTS3 regions (SHP format)
Tomas Zelinsky
tomas.zelinsky at tuke.sk
Sat Aug 28 11:38:44 CEST 2010
Thank you Barry for your help. It works now. I'm just still not sure how
to use different widths of lines for different statistical levels.
Hopefully I'll figure it out soon.
Thanks again.
Barry Rowlingson wrote / napísal(a):
> 2010/8/27 Tomas Zelinsky <tomas.zelinsky at tuke.sk>:
>> Hello,
>> you probably know administrative maps of the EU and their availability (both
>> SHP and GDB) via
>> http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/gisco/popups/references/administrative_units_statistical_units_1
>> .
>> Basically there are three administrative levels in one map (NUTS 1, 2 and 3
>> levels).
>> 1. Is there any possibility how to make NUTS3 level borderlines invisible if
>> my aim is to e.g. analyze NUTS2 level?
>> 2. Or is it possible to make e.g. NUTS1 level borderlines thicker than the
>> other?
> Looking at NUTS_RG_60M_2006.SHP there's a STAT_LEVL_ variable which I
> guess is the NUTS level code - this is probably documented in the
> meta-data somewhere. So you can do:
> require(rgdal)
> s = readOGR(".","NUTS_RG_60M_2006")
> plot(s[s$STAT_LEVL_==0,])
> plot(s[s$STAT_LEVL_==1,])
> and so on. You might also want to extract just the polygons for a
> particular level into a new object:
> n2 = s[s$STAT_LEVL_==2,]
> You can use lwd=X in plot for sp objects to change the line width.
> Barry
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