[R-sig-Geo] Shape to DB, DB to SpatialPolygon

Germán Sánchez Hernández german.sanchez at ais-int.com
Mon Apr 12 18:59:19 CEST 2010

Hi Carson (and list!),

I have corretly installed rgdal package in R (with some initial problems but finally working).

If I run ogrDrivers() no driver for PostgreSQL is listed (remember that the postgresql database is correctly running with the PostGIS extension, and I can connect through RODBC package):

> ogrDrivers()
             name write
1          AVCBin FALSE
2          AVCE00 FALSE
3             BNA  TRUE
4             CSV  TRUE
5             DGN  TRUE
6             DXF  TRUE
7  ESRI Shapefile  TRUE
8      Geoconcept  TRUE
9         GeoJSON  TRUE
10         GeoRSS  TRUE
11            GML  TRUE
12            GMT  TRUE
13  GPSTrackMaker  TRUE
14            GPX  TRUE
15            KML  TRUE
16   MapInfo File  TRUE
17         Memory  TRUE
18         PCIDSK FALSE
19            REC FALSE
20            S57  TRUE
21           SDTS FALSE
22         SQLite  TRUE
23          TIGER  TRUE
24        UK .NTF FALSE
25            VFK FALSE
26            VRT FALSE
27         XPlane FALSE

What am I missing?

Thank you!
Germán Sánchez
german.sanchez at esade.edu

El 08/04/2010, a las 13:17, Carson Farmer escribió:

> Hi Germán,
> Have a look at package rgdal and the readOGR function.
>> library(rgdal)
>> ?readOGR
> Here is a link with a quick bit on using rgdal to access a postgis table:
> http://wiki.intamap.org/index.php/PostGIS
> Regards,
> Carson
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Germán Sánchez
> <german.sanchez at ais-int.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I've working with spatial data since only a few months. I know how to
>> handle this kind of data in R using the sp package. I know how to load
>> shapes, plot them, merge their polygons, plotting labels, etc.
>> I have installed a postgis database and I can connect to it from R via
>> RODBC without problems. I can load a shape file (.shp and so) into the
>> database (command shp2pgsql  to create the needed .sql). It creates a
>> table with some usual fields (area, perimeter, district, etc) and the
>> special one: the_geom.
>> Now, I want to load this data to a SpatialPolygon (or
>> SpatialPolygonDataFrame) object using the RODBC driver. I would like to
>> get the same object as if I have used the "readShapePoly" function from sp
>> package directly over the .shp file.
>> Any idea? Is there a direct solution or I have to build the polygon myself?
>> Thank you,
>> Germán Sánchez
>> german.sanchez at esade.edu
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> -- 
> Carson J. Q. Farmer
> ISSP Doctoral Fellow
> National Centre for Geocomputation
> National University of Ireland, Maynooth,
> http://www.carsonfarmer.com/

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