[R-sig-Geo] Still error exporting ascii grid generated by DTM grid, please any suggestions?

Paul Hiemstra p.hiemstra at geo.uu.nl
Mon Nov 30 09:53:31 CET 2009


Did you try to export the data using writeGDAL (rgdal-package)? Does 
this generate the same problem?


Tobin Cara wrote:
> Hello,
> I am still receiving a bizarre error:
> Error in write.asciigrid(data_int_ked[1], name1) : 
>   Asciigrid does not support grids with non-square cells
> I do not understand this as I am putting interpolated data back into the cells of an ascii DTM grid with square cells. Information on the DTM I am kriging to is below (I have combined two datasets into elev, COS7 and the Z elevation): 
> Thank you in advance for your help,
> Cara
>> summary(elev)
> Object of class SpatialGridDataFrame
> Coordinates:
>         min      max
> X 550119.63 674619.6
> Y  79073.03 167073.0
> Is projected: NA 
> proj4string : [NA]
> Number of points: 2
> Grid attributes:
>   cellcentre.offset cellsize cells.dim
> X         550369.63      500       249
> Y          79323.03      500       176
> Data attributes:
>        Z              COS7          
>  Min.   :  380   Min.   :   -1.510  
>  1st Qu.: 1500   1st Qu.:    0.180  
>  Median : 2143   Median :    0.630  
>  Mean   : 2077   Mean   :    2.083  
>  3rd Qu.: 2663   3rd Qu.:    4.190  
>  Max.   : 4471   Max.   :    8.730  
>  NA's   :22337   NA's   :22337.000  
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Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone:  +3130 274 3113 Mon-Tue
Phone:  +3130 253 5773 Wed-Fri

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