[R-sig-Geo] Problem with size of dataset

Pierre Roudier pierre.roudier at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 10:25:48 CEST 2009

Hi Emmanuel,

This is surprising has I am currently working on a dataset with 215
000+ locations. I managed to create a sp object
(SpatialPointsDataFrame) seamlessly. I also can use it in gstat (while
time-consumming) for analysis like variograms.

Do you have any error message?


Dr. Pierre Roudier
PostDoctoral Fellow

Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture
Rm 307 McMillan Building A05
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

Ph: +61 (0)2 9351 2947
Fax: +61 (0)2 9351 3706
Mob: +61 (0)427 252313

2009/7/16 Poizot Emmanuel <emmanuel.poizot at cnam.fr>
> Dear all,
> I would like to perform a geostatistical analysis using R.
> To do so, I'm classicaly use geoR ou GSTAT packages.
> In the present case, I have a dataset of around 157000 locations where I have a value (depth).
> I've been not able to create both geodata or gstat valid R object because apparently of the size of the dataset.
> DOes anybody have an idear of how to conduct such study with such dataset size ?
> Regards
> --
> Cordialement
> ------------------------------------------------
> Emmanuel Poizot
> Cnam/Intechmer
> B.P. 324
> 50103 Cherbourg Cedex
> Phone (Direct) : (00 33)(0)233887342
> Fax : (00 33)(0)233887339
> ------------------------------------------------
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