[R-sig-Geo] Problem with the scale of the Y-axis in the function points.geodata
Jouanin Celine
celine_jouanin at yahoo.fr
Tue Oct 28 16:39:16 CET 2008
Dear RSig,
I have got some problems with the function points.geodata. I would like to change the scale of the Y-axis, and obtain a graph with the y
coordinates from the minimum =1963367 and maximum = 1966367.
Is it possible to change the Y-axis in the
graphics ?
I give you the graph I obtained with the R code, as you can see it’s difficult
to distinguish each values of each points.
Tanks for
your help,
Here is the code :
Number of data points: 127
Coordinates summary
min 815162 1963367
max 827162 1966367
Distance summary
min max
250.00 12209.12
Data summary
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd
Qu. Max.
0.000 0.000 0.000 4.331
1.000 118.000
> plot(Geodonnées)
+ ,las=1,cex.lab=0.65,cex.axis=0.65,mgp=c(3.2,0.55,0.5))
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