[R-sig-Geo] CODE for spatial logistic regression

ivan valencia liov2067 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 18:12:45 CEST 2008

Well, it is for modelling spatial binary data with spatial
covariables( continuous or discrete)
try incorporate spatial neighboorhod in the model.

Solution of Rubén is interesting, ok Many thanks..

2008/10/8 Dylan Beaudette <dylan.beaudette at gmail.com>:
> On Wednesday 08 October 2008, ivan valencia wrote:
>> But I do not mean to do spatial interpolation, I need to adjust
>> logistic spatial model to area data..
>> liov
> Can you elaborate with an example? Are you suggesting weighting a logistic
> regression with area values associated with observations?
> Cheers,
> Dylan
>> 2008/10/8 Rubén Roa-Ureta <rroa at udec.cl>:
>> > ivan valencia wrote:
>> >> Hello
>> >>
>> >> I need some guide about spatial logistic regression, Is it available a
>> >> code in R?
>> >>
>> >> {}
>> >>
>> >> LIOV
>> >
>> > You can try the functions in package geoRglm.
>> > You can set binomial counts with spatial coordinates and fit a
>> > geostatistical logistic model in geoRglm.
>> > HTH
>> > R.
> --
> Dylan Beaudette
> Soil Resource Laboratory
> http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/
> University of California at Davis
> 530.754.7341

Luis Iván Ortiz Valencia
Estatístico Msc.

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