[R-sig-Geo] WMS, WFS, WCS an WPS for R

Jorge de Jesus jorge.de-jesus at jrc.it
Mon Nov 24 11:42:05 CET 2008


Everything concerning the OGC standards and R are covered in the last
posts.  It is possible to assemble specific WxS/WPS requests and deal
with the response from the servers, using the RCurl package. Also the
r-cran-xml package should have any problems parsing the returned results

Using Rcurl, means more work and more technical skills that using some
client specific for one of the WxS/WPS services.

Edzer Pebesma wrote:
> Interesting question!
> Of course, all these are services, and R is not typically a service or
> a client, but rather an environment to do statistical computing.
> Reading and writing can, as mentioned, be done to some extent through
> OGR (WFS, e.g. by writing gml) and GDAL (WCS, reading). Note that gml
> has many versions, and the more recent ones are typically monsters of
> complexity; OSGEO seems to support mainly older versions or subsets
> for specific application areas. WMS is more something of an output,
> useful for those who want to see the map rather than have the data.
> We're currently working in the intamap project
> (http://www.intamap.org) to provide R interpolation facilities through
> a web processing standard, which basically means GIS (or any other)
> processing through an OGC complient web service (WPS, as opposed to
> e.g. SOAP). Here, R does the back end work, and the WPS front-end
> takes care of input (an O&M, observations and measurements document,
> xml) and output (gml for geometry, UncertML for probability
> distributions). If someone is interested in testing this, please let
> me know.
> Other OGC services to check out are those in the SWE area: SOS, SPS,
> SAS, this list is growing faster than an adult can learn remembering
> abbreviations.
> -- 
> Edzer
> Roger Bivand wrote:
>> On Sat, 22 Nov 2008, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
>>> 2008/11/22 Hisaji ONO <hi_ono2001 at ybb.ne.jp>:
>>>> Hello.
>>>>  There are lots of services of OGC(Open Geospatial
>>>> Consortium:http://www.opengeospatial.org/)'s standard
>>>> based Geo-Web ervices incluing WMS(Web Map Service),
>>>> WFS(Web Feature Service), WCS(Web Coverage Service) and
>>>> WPS(Web Processing Service) all over the world.
>>>>  Does anyone try to use these services from R?
>>> Any access to WMS and WFS would probably be best done using GDAL and
>>> OGR via the rgdal package.... Let's see...
>>> GDAL has a WMS driver, but it seems you do have to create a 'local
>>> service description' file. www.gdal.org seems down at the moment, so
>>> here's a google cache link:
>>> For WFS, there's some recent discussion on the gdal-dev list:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/OGR-WFS-driver-td20485363.html
>>> so it might be coming soon. Can you wait?
>>> To do WFS from scratch in R is probably going to need XML parsing,
>>> and then it'll probably also need OGR too unless you want to hand-code
>>> understanding the returned GML...
>> Yes, so OGR needs to be built against the Xerces libraries. I agree
>> that WMS and WFS are best handled by using work that is already going
>> on in the OSGeo community. An example of R in a a WPS setting is:
>> Katharina Henneböhl, Edzer Pebesma:
>> Providing R functionality through the OGC Web Processing Service
>> given at useR! 2008 in Dortmund in August - there is an abstract on
>> the conference website. I think that their trial site may be ready
>> before long, together with the underlying software.
>> Roger
>>> Barry
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Ph.D. Jorge Samuel Mendes de Jesus

European Commission (EC)
Joint Research Centre Directorate (DG JRC)
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
TP 441, Via Fermi 1
21020 Ispra (VA)

Phone: +39 0332 78 3536
Fax:   +39 0332 78 5466


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