[R-sig-Geo] WMS, WFS, WCS an WPS for R

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Sat Nov 22 10:35:32 CET 2008

2008/11/22 Hisaji ONO <hi_ono2001 at ybb.ne.jp>:
> Hello.
>  There are lots of services of OGC(Open Geospatial
> Consortium:http://www.opengeospatial.org/)'s standard
> based Geo-Web ervices incluing WMS(Web Map Service),
> WFS(Web Feature Service), WCS(Web Coverage Service) and
> WPS(Web Processing Service) all over the world.
>  Does anyone try to use these services from R?

 Any access to WMS and WFS would probably be best done using GDAL and
OGR via the rgdal package.... Let's see...

 GDAL has a WMS driver, but it seems you do have to create a 'local
service description' file. www.gdal.org seems down at the moment, so
here's a google cache link:

 For WFS, there's some recent discussion on the gdal-dev list:


 so it might be coming soon. Can you wait?

 To do WFS from scratch in R is probably going to need XML parsing,
and then it'll probably also need OGR too unless you want to hand-code
understanding the returned GML...


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