[R-sig-Geo] Dear Friends,

Rodrigo W. Soria Auza wilbersa at armonia-bo.org
Fri May 23 15:54:24 CEST 2008

Hi all,
I have a file (MOD06_auza_gridded_cldstats.bin) created by a college 
(Richard Frey). It is a binary written with FORTRAN in a little-endian 
(Linux) machine that contains a 400x300x84-bite integer array. The 400 
represents 1/20 degree cells in a N-S direction (7S-27S), 300 is 1/20 
degree cells in the E-W direction (55-70W). The 8 products in order for 
each of the 120000 cells:
1) Number retrievals
2) Yearly mean cloud fraction
3) Frequency of high, thick clouds
4) Frequency of thick clouds top temperatures <-65C
5) Same as # 4 but <-38C
6) Same as # 4 but <-12C
7) Center of cell latitude
8) Center of cell longitude
So as you can see is a multi layer file
Now neither Richard (the guy who made this file) nor I know how to 
import this kind of file into other GIS software, and I would like to 
know if somebody here could give us detailed instructions or advise to 
convert layer by layer into a common format (separate from each other. 
so we could manage every layer independently from the others), so we 
will be able to import them into other GIS software (Arcview or DIVA 
GIS) as raster (or grid) layers. (maybe ascii?).
I have a limited experience using R, but every day I learn a bit more 
and I think (actually hope) there is a package that is able to do this.

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