[R-sig-Geo] Point pattern match
Roger Bivand
Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Tue Mar 4 09:07:01 CET 2008
On Mon, 3 Mar 2008, Dooher, Brendan wrote:
> I apologize for the repost - I noticed that I didn't change the header -
> not sure it would make a difference...
It makes two big differences:
1) the subject is misleading if not suited to the contents, but worse is:
2) mailing lists are threaded, which means that if you start a new thread
by replying to a posting in an existing thread, even if you change the
subject. This is what you have done this time - the thread ID is one of
the many header lines in mailing list messages, and cannot (easily) be
changed by the user.
for a threaded view - this exchange is still threaded with the original
posting. Thread discipline is crucial for the value of the archives to
others - questions are _NOT_ only single exchanges, but are accummulated
knowledge that others can search and use.
Please start a completely new message, and maybe we can resolve your real
> Hi all...
> Is there a package that can match two sets of spatial points? I have an
> old set of files that were digitized into a local coordinate system, and
> a newer set of files that have been gps'd. The IDs between the two
> don't match, there may be more points in the gps'd data, and of course,
> there's uncertainty (even in the gps'd data! - but we'll assume its
> "perfect")....
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Brendan Dooher
> brendan.dooher at lfr.com
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