[R-sig-Geo] delete region from shapefile / map only certain regions

Rainer Hurling rhurlin at gwdg.de
Sun Jan 6 11:35:54 CET 2008

Hello Stefan,

answering only to your first question.

On 05.01.2008 22:38 (UTC+1), stefan lhachimi wrote:
> Hello,
> I have two qeustions about shape files:
> First, I have a shp.file for all counties in Germany. Funnily enough,
> two counties are just lakes for which
>     I do not have covariates. Is there a possibilty delete them, so
> they don't show on the map and do not affect my analysis.

I am not sure what you mean with 'lakes'. Is it possible, that this 
polygons describe the mini counties (~ cities with municipal laws like 
counties) 'Hamburg' and 'Bremen' both in the northern part of Germany? 
If so, I would suggest to not delete them.

Hope this helps,

> Second, is it possible just to plot parts of the map, given some
> condition (say, part of a state or a larger region)?
> I hope these question are not too trivial, but I couldn't find
> anything adequate in the mailing list.
> Happy new Year,
> Stefan

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