[R-sig-Geo] How can I read a Fishnet.dll shapefile into R ? newbie

Juliane Struve juliane_struve at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Apr 11 23:24:09 CEST 2008

Dear list,

I am trying to read a shapefile into R that was created with Fishnet and consists of > 200 000 regularly spaced points projected in UTM coordinates. The 
shape file is called "water_centroids".

MapPolysDataFrameWaterCentroids <- readOGR("water_centroids.shp","water_centroids")
ProjString = proj4string(MapPolysDataFrameWaterCentroids)

works fine and plots the grid, but 

proj4string=CRS("+proj=utm +zone=17"))

makes R 2.5.1 crash, although it works with my other shapefiles. 

How can I check that the file meets the specifications for using readShapeLines and is there some procedure to convert it if necessary ?
There may be a simple solution that I am not aware of, apologies if that is the case, but I am quite new to R.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.



Dr. Juliane Struve
Adjunct Environmental Scientist
Mote Marine Laboratory
Center for Fisheries Enhancement
1600 Ken Thomson Parkway
Sarasota, Florida, 34236
(941)388-4441 Ext. 408

Yahoo! For Good helps you make a difference  


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